Here, you will find a detailed type comparison between the current and future versions of the FBI-API. If you're looking for the complete future schema, you can find it here.
So, what's actually changed?
Unused scalar types have been removed from the schema.
All current and previously deprecated fields have been removed.
All types are now written in PascalCase.
All enum value fields are now written in UPPERCASE.
All field names are now unique regardless of casing.
All input types now have the suffix 'Input'.
All scalar types now have the suffix 'Scalar'.
All union types now have the suffix 'Union'.
All interface types now have the suffix 'Interface'.
Reduce changelog
Typenames used solely as internal references are marked with strikethrough by default. To view the full changelog without any strikethrough lines, you can disable this option here.
Fields affected due to the above field deprecation
Fields affected due to the above field deprecation